Monday, August 18, 2008

Daily Dose of Blairmont 165

  • 3128 Glasgow Street (Larmer LLC, March 2008)

March 2007

A gas station may seem unusual in the predominantly residential reaches of northern JeffVanderLou, but urban neighborhoods traditionally have had all kinds of uses jumbled together. The peaked roofs and clay tile date from a long-vanished era when gas stations actually had some charm to them.

It was a Texaco at one point, and a sign for "Wainwright's" is still visible, advertising groceries and liquor. Blairmont purchased it from the eponymous L. Wainwright in the spring, but the store appeared to be closed before that.

The Spanish tile roof seems unusual among all the flat-roofed brick houses, but just west of here, an enclave of beautifully preserved houses uses the same element in abundance.

May 2008

1 comment:

Chris said...

I've begun to take notice of historic gas stations as well recently. It seems like there's usually a plethora of them out in the countryside.